
Me in my 60s

When I am an old woman I shall wear purple
With a red hat which doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.

Jenny Joseph

İngiliz şair Jenny Joseph'in 1961 yılında yazdığı 'Warning' şiirini ebedi ilham perim Anna Piaggi'ye layık görüyorum. 1988'ten bu yana Vogue Italia'nin creative consultant'ı olan Piaggi'nin Doppie Paggine (Double Pages) adlı iki sayfalık bölümü derginin en ufuk açıcı kısmı kanımca. 
Doppie Paggine'yi farklı kılan, Piaggi'nin moda yazısı yazarken mimariden gastronomiye, sanattan tarihe kadar birçok alana atıfta bulunması. 

Nasıl mı? İşte böyle:

❝If, for example, I said that we were printing a story with red dresses and we were doing a feature on flamboyant dressers, she would suggest a 'volcanic' story with hats fit for the Wicked Witch of the West, under the title Moda, cosmica, colori sismici linea conic'A, Vesuvio! (Cosmic fashion, seismic colours, Conic A-lines, Vesuvius-Vogue Italia, December 1988). If we had a piece on Italian elegance dedicated to great stars like Sophia Loren, Anna would suggest 'Fashion Menu: Pasta' (May 1991) where she would read in culinary terms the white details of the clothing signed that season by Castelbajac: thin fringes became capelli d'angelo, thicker ones linguine, frills were reginelle and the quilted lozenges of matelasse fabric could only remind us of ravioli. For that Doppie Paggine she contacted a famous pasta-maker to have the names of all the different types.❞

Bu sözler, Conde Nast Special Project Editor Grazia D'Annunzio'ya ait. 3 yıl önce Victoria&Albert Museum'da gerçekleştirilen 'Fashion-ology' sergisinin kitapçığından alıntılanmıştır. 

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